Our Community


All absences should be reported in writing. If the absence is likely to be for an extended period a phone call or note to the school would be appreciated. A note is still required upon return to the school.


At Caroline Chisholm School Junior Campus, we have students and staff who have an anaphylactic reaction to peanuts and nut products, which can be life threatening to these students. We are asking for the support of families in not sending to school food items containing peanut butter or other nut products.

Assemblies - Junior Campus

Assemblies are held on the Junior Campus three times a term (refer to Newsletter). They are child-centred and are organised by students. Special assemblies (eg Easter, Book Week, Anzac) are held at appropriate times and advertised in our Newsletter. Parents are most welcome to attend these assemblies.

Banking - Junior Campus

Parent volunteers provide a banking service on Friday mornings. Books are collected from the units at 9 am. Books are returned via the child's class on the same day.


Students riding to school must wear a helmet. For the safety of all, bicycles should not be ridden on the school grounds at any time. Bicycles should be locked when left in the bicycle area. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles.

Communicating With Parents

Close and effective communications between the school and home are vital. Parents are always welcome in the school and asked to make a mutually convenient appointment if a concern arises.


To enrol students, parents are required to complete an enrolment form for each child. ACT Public Health regulations also require schools to record students' immunisation status. Parents are asked to lodge a copy of the ACT Immunisation Record form or provide other evidence of each child's immunisation history.

Excursions and Cultural Activities

Enrichment activities which are relevant to class programs are arranged for students each year. All students are encouraged to take part if possible. Cultural performances are booked by the school on the basis of approximately one per term. In circumstances where parents have difficulty with costs they are invited to contact the Principal so that students are not denied a valuable learning experience.

Leaving School during the Day

No child will be permitted to leave the school unless a signed note is received from the parents. If collecting children during the day please:

Newsletter - Junior Campus

The weekly Newsletter is the most frequent form of communication between school and home. It is published every Thursday and sent home with the youngest child in each family (Email options are available). Please read it thoroughly to keep up to date with what is happening at school.

Parent/Teacher Contact

There are occasions when a parent may wish to discuss their child's progress with a teacher. Please phone the school and make a time that is mutually convenient to both parent and teacher. We encourage parents to ask questions, express concerns or share information.

There are occasions when a teacher wishes to meet with a parent and contact will be made by phone or letter.

Payment Procedures for Excursions, Performances and Camps - Junior Campus

All money for excursions, performances, camps, etc. should be placed securely in an envelope and clearly labelled and given to Front Office. Individual receipts will be issued for amounts more then $10.

Preschool and School Liaison

Regular communication with and visits between staff and students ensures that progression is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Playground Supervision

Teachers provide supervision in the school grounds during recess and at lunchtime. Limited supervision is also provided between 8.30 am to 8.55 am.

Parents are reminded that children should not arrive at school before 8.50 am for safety reasons.

Sickness and Accidents

Sick children should be kept at home. If a child becomes sick at school, the limited school facilities will be used, until parents are contacted. Parents are then requested to take children home.

Parents are notified immediately if a child has a serious accident. If it is not possible to make contact then medical assistance will be sought at the doctor identified on the personal record cards, or at the hospital.

Prescription medicine brought to school by a child will be administered by ancillary staff, once a parent requests such assistance in writing.

Sickness, Accidents and First Aid

If a student becomes ill at school or has an accident she or he is cared for and parents contacted to make arrangements for going home.

If students require medication at school it should be in a container clearly labelled with name, class, dosage and time to be taken. All medication should be given to the teachers assistant at the beginning of the school day. It is important for parents to keep the school informed of changes to telephone numbers so that contact can be made quickly if necessary.

Infection - A Guide to Exclusion for Sick Children

Disease Patients

Common Local Diseases Affecting Skin, Hair and Eyes

Other Conditions which may be infectious in nature

Diarrhoea: Exclude until diarrhoea ceases

(Rotavirus, Shigella, Giardia, Salmonella, Campylobacter)

Other Conditions

AIDS Contact the school for information

Hepatitis B Contact the school for information

Special Needs Team

A Special Needs team involving the Teacher, Counsellor, Executive Teacher, Deputy Principal and Principal meet weekly to discuss individual student progress as raised by staff or parents in order to develop action plans to meet the needs of identified students.