All absences should be reported in writing. If the absence is likely to be for an extended period a phone call or note to the school would be appreciated. A note is still required upon return to the school.
At Caroline Chisholm School Junior Campus, we have students and staff who have an anaphylactic reaction to peanuts and nut products, which can be life threatening to these students. We are asking for the support of families in not sending to school food items containing any nuts.
Assemblies - Junior Campus
Assemblies are held on the Junior Campus on a fortnightly basis (refer to newsletter and facebook page). They are child-centred and are organised by students. Special assemblies (e.g. Book Week, Science Week, NAIDOC Week and Anzac Day) are held at appropriate times and advertised in our Newsletter. Parents are most welcome to attend these assemblies.
Banking - Junior Campus
Parent volunteers provide a banking service on Friday mornings. Books are collected from the units at 9 am. Books are returned via the child's class on the same day.
Students riding to school must wear a helmet. For the safety of all, bicycles should not be ridden on the school grounds at any time. Bicycles should be locked when left in the bicycle area. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles.
Bicycles / Scooters / Electric Scooters - Senior Campus
Students are not to ride their bicycles, scooters or electric scooters near the main entrance, Main Street and Sprouts. If they have to move through these areas they must get off their vehicle completely and walk beside it. This is purely for safety reasons. Please refer to the map below for guidance.
Students can ride their bicycles, scooters and electric scooters in the following areas when entering and exiting the school grounds in the morning and afternoon. Please refer to map below for guidance.
The bicycle compound is an uncovered area with a fence and locked gate. You are strongly encouraged to lock your equipment up. We do not have space to store your equipment inside. This would create an Work Health and Safety (WHS) issue for staff and visitors to the school. You are also responsible for charging your equipment at home. We will not charge your electric bicycle or scooter at school.
Communicating With Parents
Close and effective communications between the school and home are vital. Parents are always welcome in the school and we encourage parents to ask questions, express concerns or share information. Teachers have duty of care and will be teaching their class from 8.55am. Please contact teachers via their email or through the front office 6142 3555 to make a mutually convenient time to meet.
To enrol students, parents are required to complete an enrolment form for each child through ACT Education Directorate website . Please refer to the ACT Education Directorate website for information on the documentation required once an offer has been made. Enrolling in a public school - Education (act.gov.au)
Excursions and Incursions
Enrichment activities such as excursions and incursions planned by teachers each year. These activities are aimed to enhance student learning and all students are encouraged to take part if possible. Educational and cultural performances are booked by the school throughout the year.
Permission notes for these experiences are emailed out as well as hardcopies sent home with your child/ren. We ask these documents to be completed by the date indicated to support the planning and organisation of these activities. In circumstances where parents have difficulty with costs, they are invited to contact the school to discuss with the appropriate Executive. We do not want any student to miss out in any valuable learning experience.
Leaving School during the Day
No child will be permitted to leave the school unless signed out by a parent or carer. If collecting child/ren during the day please:
- make sure the child knows the time you are coming
- inform your child’s teacher
- meet the child at the Front Office
- sign out book your child/ren via the Front Office staff
The whole school newsletter is sent home fortnightly via email. This provides families with up to date information on the happenings of the junior and senior campus. This is the most frequent form of communication between school and home and we encourage families to read it thoroughly. A hardcopy can be provided on request..
Parent/Teacher Contact
There are occasions when a parent may wish to discuss their child's progress with a teacher. Please phone the school and make a time that is mutually convenient to both parent and teacher. We encourage parents to ask questions, express concerns or share information.
There are occasions when a teacher wishes to meet with a parent and contact will be made by phone or letter.
Payment Procedures for Excursions, Performances and Camps - Junior Campus
All money for excursions, performances, camps, etc. should be placed securely in an envelope and clearly labelled and given to Front Office. Individual receipts will be issued for amounts more then $10.T
Playground Supervision
Teachers provide supervision in the school grounds during recess and at lunchtime. Limited supervision is also provided between 8.30 am to 8.55 am. School finishes at 3.00pm, a staff member is on duty at the front of the school for student safety. Please contact the school if you are going to be late to pick up your child.
Parents are reminded that children should not arrive at school before 8.30am for safety reasons as there is no supervision. If you require care prior to 8.30am or after 3.00pm, Communities@Work provide before and after school care on the Junior Campus. Please refer to Communities@Work website Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Services - Communities at Work (commsatwork.org)
Sickness and Accidents
Sick children should be kept at home. If a child becomes sick at school, the limited school facilities will be used, until parents are contacted. Parents are then requested to take children home.
Parents are notified immediately if a child has a serious accident. If it is not possible to make contact then medical assistance will be sought at the doctor identified on the personal record cards, or at the hospital.
Prescription medicine brought to school by a child will be administered by ancillary staff, once a parent requests such assistance in writing.
Sickness, Accidents and First Aid
If a student becomes ill at school or has an accident she or he is cared for and parents contacted to make arrangements for going home.
If students require medication at school it should be in a container clearly labelled with name, class, dosage and time to be taken. All medication should be given to the teachers assistant at the beginning of the school day. It is important for parents to keep the school informed of changes to telephone numbers so that contact can be made quickly if necessary.
Infection - A Guide to Exclusion for Sick Children
Disease Patients
- Chicken Pox Exclude until recovered or for at leats 5 days after blisters first appear
- Diphtheria Exclude until a medical certificate is produced
- Hepatitis (A) Exclude until a medical certificate is produced
- Measles Exclude for at least 4 days from the appearance of the rash
- Meningitis (bacterial) Exclude until well
- Meningococcal Infection Exclude until well
- Mumps Exclude for at least 9 days after the onset of symptoms
- Leprosy Exclude until approval to return has been given by Medical Officer of Health
- Poliomyelitis Exclude for at least 14 days from onset and until a medical certificate is produced
- Rubella Exclude until fully recovered or for at least 4 days after the rash appears
- Streptococcal Infection Exclude until person has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours
- and has recovered from the illness.
- Tuberculosis Exclude until approval to return has been given by Medical Officer of Health
- Typhoid Fever Exclude until a medical certificate is produced
- Whooping Cough Exclude for at least 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment
Common Local Diseases Affecting Skin, Hair and Eyes
- Conjunctivitis Exclude until discharge from eyes ceases
- Impetigo (school sores) Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced and sores on exposed
- surfaces are covered with a dressing.
- Ringworm, Scabies Exclude until the day after treatment has commenced
- Pediculosis (lice)
Other Conditions which may be infectious in nature
Diarrhoea: Exclude until diarrhoea ceases
(Rotavirus, Shigella, Giardia, Salmonella, Campylobacter)
Other Conditions
AIDS Contact the school for information
Hepatitis B Contact the school for information
Wellbeing Team
A wellbeing team involving the School Psychologist, School Community Coordinator, Executive Teacher, Deputy Principals and Principal meet fortnightly to discuss individual student progress as raised by staff or parents in order to develop action plans to meet the needs of identified students.