National Student Wellbeing Officer

Caroline Chisholm School (CCS) is very pleased to announce that the school has been successful in our application to be included in the  National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP). The Commonwealth provided the Directorate with funding to support the delivery of the NSWP.

CCS has engaged a suitably qualified Student Wellbeing Officer, Jessie Zala, to provide student wellbeing services. It is not compulsory for any student to participate in activities or receive services from the Student Wellbeing Officer.  All services that are delivered by the Student Wellbeing Officer will be approved by the school principal and have the appropriate prior parental/guardian consent.

The aim of the NSWP is to assist our school community to support the wellbeing of students.  In response to the needs of our school community, the student wellbeing officer’s key tasks will be:


​​​​​​​At CCS, we are committed to handling complaints in a manner that is polite, fair and quick.  All complaints are managed in line with the Directorate’s Complaints Policy.

If you have a concern or are dissatisfied following an incident or service provided by the student wellbeing officer, please direct your complaint to our school principal, Julie Dixon, email: or phone:  61423550

For further information on Education Directorate’s Complaints Policy and Procedures please see:

All records of all complaints are held securely at the school with restricted access.

National Student Wellbeing Officer 2023.docx (24kb)