General Information

Drop off and collection of children

Regular attendance is important as this allows the children to settle into routines and establish themselves as part of the group. In accordance with the National Quality Standard, collection of children must be by a parent or authorised nominee over the age of 16 years. Educators require verbal or written permission to release preschool children to any other person other than their parent/guardian.

It is a requirement that all parents/guardians must accompany their child on arrival into the preschool classroom.

As there is an issue with car spaces during peak times, we have a 15 minute puzzle time each morning which allows both a settled start to the morning as well as enabling parents to manage multiple drop offs in the morning.

Changes to details

Please keep staff and the school informed of any changes to address, home and work phone numbers, childcare arrangements, medical information, and emergency contact phone numbers. All these records need to be updated at both the preschool and the primary school front office. Please email with any new or updated information. If you need to contact the preschool during school hours please call the junior campus front office on 6142 3555 to leave a message.

Medical Condition Management


The ACT Department of Health advises that all children attending school in the ACT should be immunised against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and HIB (Haemophilus influenzae type b). We require you to check your child's immunisation status to see whether it is up to date for his/her age. ACT Public Health regulations require schools to request proof of up to date immunisation when enrolling at an ACT Public School. Failure to provide this may result in your child being excluded from school should an outbreak of an infectious disease occur. A copy of exclusion periods for students with infectious diseases is available. Families are asked to adhere closely to these requirements unless medical advice to the contrary is provided in writing.

Medical and Accidents

Due to the growing number of food allergies our site is nut and egg free. Please refer to the Preschool Handbook located at the site or speak with staff for further information.

It is important that sick children are kept at home for their own comfort as well as the comfort of other children and staff. If a child becomes ill or is injured at school appropriate first aid will be given, and if necessary parents will be notified and asked to collect their child from school.  If emergency treatment is required families will be notified immediately and the child will be transferred by ambulance to hospital. All students who have an ongoing condition (e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies) must have a treatment plan completed by a medical practitioner and lodged at the school. Plan proformas are available from the Front Office or from a staff member in the preschool.

Exclusion periods for infectious diseases such as mumps, German measles, measles and chickenpox are provided at the end of this handbook.

If a child is to take a prescription medicine while at school, written directions and medicine must be left with staff on an approved proforma. All medicine must be in the original packaging with the child’s name and prescribed dosage clearly noted.  Information on a child's health status eg. epilepsy, diabetes, allergies, should be given on enrolment or on diagnosis. If the health problem is serious please provide an up to date photograph of the child so it can be placed on our Medical Alert board.

Head lice are extremely contagious but easily eradicated. Children with either eggs or live lice will be excluded from school until evidence of treatment is produced. Please report any cases of head lice to the front office.


Excursions are an exciting part of the educational program at Caroline Chisholm Preschool. On enrolment, parents are asked to give permission for their child to go on incidental excursions e.g. walks around the local area.  If children use any form of transport, parents will be advised in advance and asked to provide written permission for the child to attend. The adult to child supervision ratio on excursions varies depending on the nature of the excursion. This information will be outlined on the permission and excursion information note. Unfortunately siblings are unable to attend excursions for safety reasons.

Physical Activities

Physical activity is very important for children, so educators provide opportunities for structured and unstructured physical activity.

During the preschool sessions, your child will be involved with some hands-on experiences both inside the classroom and in the outdoor area. These activities can, at times, be messy. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately so that they feel confident to participate in all the challenges provided throughout the session. In keeping with the sun safe policy, children will need to wear either a legionnaires or wide brimmed style hat and shirts with sleeves. Please ensure that cords on hats are detachable in compliance with Directorate regulations. If children do not have a hat, they will only be allowed to play in the shade. A warm coat and hat are required in winter. The children will be challenging themselves on the climbing equipment so sensible footwear is essential and long dresses and skirts can be dangerous. Please label all your child's clothing and pack a spare set in case of messy play or accidents.

Information on Hygiene Procedures

Staff, children and volunteers must adhere to the hand washing procedures.
All children are required to wash their hands at the following times:

All scratches and cuts must be covered.


Your child is a member of the Caroline Chisholm School community. If your family lives within the CCS priority enrolment area (PEA) they will automatically move on to kindergarten the following year in our school. Preschool students living outside our PEA will receive an email reminding them to apply for kindergarten in term 2 of their preschool year. Every child from Kinder to Year 12 is guaranteed a place at their local public school (by Priority Enrolment Area or PEA).

In term 4 pre-schoolers participate in a transition program that helps them to become familiar with the junior campus. This involves:

For more information about this topic visit the Education Directorate website and follow the links to handy tips for starting school.