Our Primary Years

Caroline Chisholm School Junior Campus comprises two co-located sites- the preschool site is alongside the primary site. The preschool program is based on the principles of Play Based Learning. The primary school caters for the educational, social and emotional needs of students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

Two Learning Support Units are integral to our learning community. These two classes are dedicated to the education of students from within our community and, students who travel to our school to be part of these dynamic units.

At Caroline Chisholm School there is a strongly embedded culture of viewing school as "Our Place of Learning." This phrase encapsulates the principles of successful student experiences in our educational setting. All members of our community strive to work together to attain the positive outcomes that underpin shared beliefs and values.

Our day begins with a morning assembly, where we endeavour to instil in students a desire to engage in learning, build their skills, knowledge and confidence in an ever changing world. We use this time to acknowledge successes in the classroom; citizenship and; sport. The constant message is 'that all things are possible and that together, students, staff, parents and carers are a team.' In our classrooms teachers and students relate to each other using the values of honesty, excellence, fairness and respect.

Class structures are configured to enable the best possible learning outcomes and provide opportunities that maximise engagement in the school community. Careful consideration is given to the placement of all students by the entire teaching staff at the end of each year.

Mainstream classes are formed by a multi-age approach, creating opportunities for students to work with a range of abilities and within a range of structures that cater for individual needs. Student enrolment numbers dictate the number of classes at each level. A wide range of student abilities are met by teachers planning a differentiated curriculum within their teaching programs.

Primary Images